Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Featured Etsy Artist - ContasBrasil/ContasCoeln

I have said that one of the reasons I enjoy designing and creating jewelry so much is the incredible variety of colors, texture, and shapes available when working with beads. You can imagine, then, my sheer joy upon “entering” the shops of ContasBrasil and ContasKoeln (note Etsy spelling is ContasCoeln)!

Designers Bebê de Soares, Ana Vilas Boas, and Suzy Wortberg bring the brilliant colors of their native Brazil, creating custom jewelry now from their European home. As their shop profile explains, “where different cultures meet, ideas spring up…Brazil meets Europe.” ContasBrasil, which markets the unique, handmade pieces, is designed to inspire a feel of life in Brazil and the countless riches of the Brazilian soil. The pieces are specifically designed with a taste for something special. ContasKoeln on Etsy is the sister “supply shop” for ContasBrasil.

Bebê, a theater actress and director, with a degree in architecture and urbanism, explains that she started designing jewelry two years ago when she happened to put her hands into some beads she was to send to her sister, Suzy, and Ana. She says the passion for beading and designing was instantaneous (Bebê, I understand!). Dedicated to creating original pieces regardless of fashion trends, Bebê follows her own esthetic sense in order to offer her client not only a one-of-a-kind piece, but something truly original.

You must stop by and visit both shops today ~ they are sure to become favorites. I know I added them to my list!

You can find Bebê and ContaBrasil/ContasKoeln at:

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