Monday, January 25, 2010


One of my "non-resolutions" (yes, I resolved to make no resolutions this year so I wouldn't be breaking any as the months moved on...) this year was to continue actively working on stress management in new and old ways.  I suffer from chronic migraine headaches which can often be debilitating and am also finding that my body is beginning to protest more frequently and increasingly.  Therefore, I was intrigued by a seminar on "mindfulness" as a means to stress reduction which a friend recommended and that I'm beginning tomorrow for six weeks.  As I've already begun the 40-day meditation practice (Winter Feast for the Soul), the work we do in the seminar should be a further step into slowing down, breathing deep, and centering for peace within.

I know that one of the practices I should return to is yoga - I've been an "occasional" yogi-wannabe (??) for a few years and by no means am an expert or even much above a beginner, most likely.  But I DO know my favorite pose, lol!  Balasana - also known as "Child's Pose" - is the most relaxing, releasing, peaceful, peace-filled pose that I find in yoga.  This morning I was moving through some recommended stretches for my protesting lower back muscles and happily ended with an exercise that involved "Child's Pose."  Ahh.....yes, now, if I could just stay here....

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