Monday, March 24, 2008

Where in the WORLD is Andrew GOING????

If you've been following our Peace Corps-bound saga with son, Andrew, you know we've been waiting anxiously for the "official" invitation and promised, they arrived this past week (while said son was enjoying a well-deserved spring break Caribbean cruise - a special senior "gift" to him and a friend from his friend's very wonderful parents). So.....drum roll, please......yes, his first choice actually (well, after Kenya - which actually, I think should have been "off the table" since I think the Corps removed everyone from there a couple of months ago!) -- TANZANIA! He's very excited - graduation is Mother's Day weekend -- then June 8th he heads to Philadelphia for 2 days of orientation before flying to Tanzania for a couple of months training at a "Peace Corps hub". Then it's off to his assigned "village" where he will serve from Aug. 24th through 2010 as the "Village-Based Extension Facilitator" (project has to do with crop expansion in the village). Hmmm....wonder how they will feel about pumpkins and gladiolas? LOL! Soccer girl and I are already trying to figure out how we can "swing" a visit sometime in his 2+ years over there (cha-ching! Of course, soccer girl thinks the biggest hurdle is all the shots she would need to get!).

If you want to see exactly where Tanzania is located, there is a map of Africa/Subsaharan Africa posted on the right column of the blog. Tanzania is on the eastern coast, just south of Kenya, and is home to Mt. Kilimanjaro.

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